The SM sewage pump (Zenit, Italy) with a closed single-channel impeller is an excellent solution for use in wastewater treatment plants, sewage systems, for pumping industrial sludge, drainage of flooded basements, drainage of biological liquids in industry and agriculture, etc. Solid suspended impurities and fibers pass freely, thanks to the large passage, without clogging the impeller. The design of the closed single-channel impeller is ideal for pumping wastewater with a high content of large particles (e.g. fecal matter, biological slurries in the fishing industry), without any head loss.
Designed for harsh operating conditions. Therefore, they require the use of high-quality and reliable mechanical seals.
The standard set (Mechanical seal for ZENIT 2SiCAl pump) consists of two silicon carbide mechanical seals mounted in the oil chamber and one graphite ceramic friction seal lubricated with oil.
Mechanical seals from BTS Engineering work in Zenit pumps for a long time and without fail, facilitating operation and reducing equipment maintenance costs!