Mechanical seals Alfa Laval R-AL.LKHs 32, SIC/SIC, VITON, 304
BTS EngineeringCharacteristics
BTS Engineering
Stationary and rotating face:
Seal type:
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Rubber type:
Material of metal part:
Alfa Laval
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Features Mechanical seals Alfa Laval R-AL.LKHs 32, SIC/SIC, VITON, 304
Producer | BTS Engineering |
Stationary and rotating face | SIC/SIC |
Seal type | R-AL.LKHs |
Shaft diameter | 32 |
Rubber type | VITON |
Material of metal part | 304 |
Application | Alfa Laval |
Analogue for | Hermetica М112К.AL1, Vulcan 92B |
Gross weight, kg | 0.25 |
Length of transport packing, cm | 8 |
Width of transport packing, cm | 8 |
Height of transport packing, cm | 10 |
Description Mechanical seals Alfa Laval R-AL.LKHs 32, SIC/SIC, VITON, 304
Single mechanical seal
(Single shaft seal)
It is used in pumps ALFA LAVAL LKH-series:
ALFA LAVAL LKH-5, -10, -15, -20, -25, -35, -40, -50,
-60, -70, -75, -85 and -90.
Planters diameters of shafts 32 (31, 7) and 42 mm
performance materials:
1. The rotating ring: Carbon / SIC
2. Stationary Ring: SIC / TC
3. Bellows: NBR / EPDM / VITON.
4. Metal parts: SS316.
Terms of Use:
• Temperature: -20°С ~ 140°С
• Pressure: ≤1.4 MPa
• Speed: ≤15 m/s
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Mechanical seal for Wilo pump, K, KM, X, AH, AHP, AH, Calpeda, DAB, Ebara, Grundfos, pump KSB, Allweiler, SALMSON, ACD Cryo, Flygt, IMP Pumps, LOWARA, PENTAX, Foras, Fristam, pump SPERONI, ZENIT, Inoxpa, JL, Johnson pump, KOLMEKS, Pedrollo, SAER, Vulcan, WQ, WQK, pump Tuchenhagen, ALFA LAVAL, Donjoy, Mission Magnum.
Documentation Mechanical seals Alfa Laval R-AL.LKHs 32, SIC/SIC, VITON, 304
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Mechanical seals Alfa Laval R-AL.LKHs 32, SIC/SIC, VITON, 304 reviews

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